PLEASE NOTE: Whilst this version of Omnis Studio 2.4 lite is platform specific, all the documentation refers to Windows, Macintosh and Linux. This is because the full version is completely cross-platform and needs no rewriting for the various operating systems.
1. Welcome to OMNIS Studio!
Welcome to OMNIS(R) Studio(tm), one of the most powerful and flexible rapid application development (RAD) tools available today. OMNIS Studio allows the independent or team-based developer to create business and mission-critical applications for enterprises or companies of any size. OMNIS Studio lets you develop and deploy applications under Windows, Linux, and MacOS for such diverse markets as e-business, multi-media publishing and content management, human resources, healthcare, education and government, and more. Using OMNIS Studio, you can create form-based client applications that access all leading server databases, including Oracle, Sybase, DB2, and Informix, as well as all ODBC-compliant databases, such as MS SQL Server and MySQL.
Using OMNIS Studio you can create any type of application and deploy it to the web using our unique OMNIS Web Client(tm) technology. The OMNIS Web Client lets you embed your application into a standard web page, and allows anyone, anywhere in the world, to access your data and information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And what makes this even more incredible is that the forms you build are created entirely using OMNIS Studio's own 4GL and standard web objects, no java and no complex html is required: it's that simple!
1.1. If you are new to OMNIS Studio...
If you are new to OMNIS Studio you should read the NewUsers.pdf located at the top level of this CD. The pdf describes the Welcome application, the Omnis Application Builder and helps you get started in OMNIS Studio.
To start using OMNIS Studio you should install the development version of OMNIS using the supplied installer. When OMNIS starts up for the first time you need to provide a serial number. Alternatively, if you are evaluating OMNIS you can leave the Name, Company name, and Serial number fields blank and click OK. If you are unsure of any aspects of the serialization process, please see the INSTALL.TXT file at the top level of this CD.
When you open OMNIS Studio the Welcome application will appear. This contains a short tutorial, many example OMNIS applications, and technical tips to help you learn about OMNIS. The Welcome application also contains the new App Builder that lets you build complete OMNIS applications from start to finish in a wizard-like environment.
For the latest information and news about OMNIS Software please go to our web site:
2. What's on this CD?
2.1. The CD contains one of the following folders:
This folder contains the Setup program that installs the Windows 95, 98, or NT version of OMNIS Studio onto your computer. It auto detects which Windows platform you are running and installs the appropriate version. If you are new to OMNIS you should click on the NEW USERS option in Setup to install the development version of OMNIS Studio. The EXPERIENCED USER option lets you install either the development, runtime, or server version of OMNIS Studio. Note the runtime folder contains the runtime version of Studio for Windows 95/98, NT, as well as Windows 3.11.
This folder contains the Setup program that installs the Linux version of OMNIS Studio onto your computer. If you are new to OMNIS you should select the NEW USERS option in Setup to install the development version of OMNIS Studio. The EXPERIENCED USER option lets you install either the development, runtime, or server version of OMNIS Studio.
This folder contains the Installer called New User Install that lets you install the PowerMac version of OMNIS Studio onto your computer. If you are new to OMNIS you should choose the default settings in the installer program to install the development version of OMNIS Studio. The Mac folder also contains an installer for the OMNIS Web Client which you must install before developing web solutions in OMNIS Studio.
Experienced users can install the development, or runtime version of Studio using the installers contained in the INSTALL folder without using the top level Installer. Note the runtime folder contains the runtime version of Studio for PowerMac as well as 68k Macs.
This folder contains the OMNIS Studio online documentation in Adobe Acrobat format. The docs set includes a Using OMNIS Studio manual, an OMNIS Reference, and a Getting Started manual written specially for new users. In addition, there's an Update manual that describes the new features and enhancements in OMNIS Studio since version 2.0, including the latest updates in version 2.4. The MANUALS folder also has a folder called ACROREAD (called Acrobat Reader on the Mac) containing the installers for the Acrobat Reader for all currently supported platforms.
Note the Manuals folder contains an Acrobat index file called index.pdx which you can load in your Acrobat Reader and use to search the entire Studio docs set.
2.2. What is the development, runtime, or server version of OMNIS?
The OMNIS Studio CD contains the development, runtime, and server installers for OMNIS Studio 2.4. To develop applications in OMNIS you must install the development version of Studio. The NEW USERS option in the Setup programs installs the development version of OMNIS Studio for you automatically.
To deploy your application to the desktop you need to install the runtime version of Studio, or for deploying to the web you need to install and set up the server version of OMNIS Studio. When you are ready to deploy your application, either to the desktop or web, you must purchase the appropriate serial number from your local sales office or via the OMNIS Store at
2.3. What do the INSTALL folders contain?
Inside each of the Windows, Linux, and Mac folders on the CD there is an INSTALL folder containing the development, runtime, and server versions of OMNIS Studio for that platform. Experienced users can install the development, runtime, or server version of Studio using the installers contained in this folder without using the top level Setup program (note the Server version is not available on ppc). In addition, the OMNIS Web Client installers are provided in the INSTALL folder.
The remainder of this README describes the new features and fixes in OMNIS Studio 2.4.
3. What's New for this Version?
OMNIS Studio version 2.4 contains the following new features:
3.1. Getting Started Manual.
There is a new manual called 'Getting Started with OMNIS Studio'. This book is aimed at the first-time OMNIS Studio user, and provides the basic information and practical exercises to get you up and running with OMNIS Studio. We recommend you work through this book before reading the other manuals.
3.2. App Builder.
The new OMNIS App Builder lets you build complete OMNIS applications from start to finish, and is aimed at the small business or home user, or anyone who is new to OMNIS Studio. Its wizard-like environment lets you choose what you want to store in your database or application, exactly how it will look, and it lets you decide what type and style of windows you want your application to have. You can run the App Builder from the Welcome application, available when you startup OMNIS, or from the main Tools toolbar.
3.3. Oracle 8 Support.
Support for Oracle 8 has been added under Windows 32 only. The Oracle8 DAM has most of the existing functionality of the Oracle7 DAM and works in a very similar way. The Oracle8 DAM has some added functionality to support the LOB datatypes as well as improved performance, and supports Net Client v8.1.5 clientware. The new DAM can be used against an Oracle7 server, using the recommended clientware, but you will encounter the restrictions described below, mainly concerned with data type mapping of large objects.
4. Fixes in this Version
This section contains details of the faults that have been fixed in this version.
Problems with visual timer external component, solved by using the updated non-visual timer component.
Linux Web Client Installers:
There is a new RPM installer for the OMNIS web client that can be installed under the Caldera, SuSE, or Red Hat versions of Linux.
Web Client for OpenLinux 2.4:
The OMNIS Web Client now works in Netscape running in version 2.4 of OpenLinux by Caldera Systems.
Icon pages:
When a remote form is opened in the web client, any icons it requires are loaded automatically as specified in the form's $iconpages property. When a new remote form is loaded in the client, the currently cached icons are thrown away and any new icon pages are loaded. The $changeform() method now forces icons to be thrown away, rather than storing icon pages from previous remote forms.
5. Notes for this release
This section contains reported faults or problems that have not been fixed in this version and that you should know about.
Caching Classes on MacOS:
The $root preference $maxcachedclasses controls how many classes OMNIS keeps cached in memory, and is set by default to 100. We have also set the memory allocation for the development version of Studio under MacOS to 16MB which should allow enough memory to modify your application. However, if your system has 32MB or less of RAM you may want to decrease the memory allocation Omnis to 12MB (the previous default) and reduce the setting of $maxcachedclasses.
Problem with retrieving indexes from a table using the Describe table(indexes) command. Note this fault exists in the Oracle7 dam.
Problem of the server specific keyword Trailing Spaces not working correctly when set to off. Note this fault exists in the Oracle7 dam.
The Oracle8 dam prevents the user entering an empty value into a BFILE column. This problem has been reported to Oracle support case number 2315485.1.
The Oracle8 dam does not let you read the value of Rowids fetched from a table. This problem has been reported to Oracle support, case number 2316182.1.